• Best Christian Romance Books,  Best Romantic Suspense Books

    Hearts in the Crosshairs by Susan Page Davis

    Shots fired at the State Capitol!

    Newly elected State of Maine governor Jillian Goff has arrived for her inaugural address. But what she ended up doing was dodging bullets! Jillian can’t begin to understand why anyone would want to kill her, but whoever the assassin was got close. Way too close. Dave Hutchins is a member of the state’s Executive Protection Unit, and now he’s a man with a very important mission—he must protect the governor and find the would-be assassin. Bodyguard rule #1: Do not get emotionally involved with your client. Dave is one of Maine’s finest. He knows the rules, and he’s trying hard to stay emotionally detached. But the more time he spends with Jillian, the less he can imagine ever leaving her side. Not with her life—and his heart—caught in the crosshairs. A note about the story and the author:

    “This is a story of faith and romance. Most of Susan Page Davis’s books are set in small towns, many of them in Maine, where she grew up.”



  • Best Contemporary Romance Novels

    Going Home by Haven Saunders

    Can two childhood friends navigate their complex past to forge a future together… or will the past be too much to overcome?

    Cloverton police officer Melanie Hart juggles the demands of her job and raising her two young daughters alone after her husband abandoned them years ago. Mel isn’t complaining, though having great kids and a few close friends doesn’t do much to ease her loneliness. Dean Gorman never thought he’d return to Cloverton after creating a successful career as a photojournalist. However, he is drawn to his hometown to document the loss of their biggest employer, Cloverton Lumber, and the ripple effect it has had on the town. While exploring the vacant building, he is nearly arrested for trespassing by Mel, his childhood friend and the woman who broke his heart. Despite his determination to move on and leave Cloverton in the past, Dean doesn’t know if he can walk away from love once again. Can Melanie and Dean navigate the complexities of their past to forge a future together or will the past be too much to overcome? A note from the author:
    “As someone who grew up in the Midwest, I absolutely love small-town romances. Toss in a second chance at love for the main characters, and I’m all in!”
    Haven Saunders
  • Best Historical Romance Books,  Best Romantic Suspense Books

    A Heartless Design by Elizabeth Cole

    An enigmatic woman, a determined spy, and a design that could shake the foundations of England…

    “Heartless” Cordelia Bering refuses every marriage offer she receives. Yet men still try to win her, drawn by her sharp wit and intoxicating green eyes. But Cordelia knows a marriage could reveal her deepest secret and truly endanger her life. Besides, she hasn’t met a man worth considering, until… Sebastien Thorne, a spy in the service of Crown. One of the elite agents in the group known as the Zodiac, he comes to London determined to solve a mystery with roots on the Continent. He won’t let anything distract him. But is Cordelia a distraction, or the key to the mystery? As he learns more about the “heartless” woman, he becomes embroiled in secrets, plots, and a design that could change the future…and Cordelia is at the center of it all. The author’s on her inspiration for the novel and the series:

    “I came up with the name of the Zodiac and the concept of twelve agents who use the signs as their code names. I also have some secret pasts for characters that I’m taking my time to tell… I just love reading romances set in the Regency period, and I love mysteries, so I guess putting them together made sense. That’s why there’s a mystery element to each story. The spies are all working to uncover plots or conspiracies, which is how they keep running into my fabulously intelligent and stunning heroines!”
    Elizabeth Cole



  • Best Contemporary Romance Novels

    What Are Friends For? by Patricia McLinn

    Best friends always, lovers once … and now?

    In rural Drago, Illinois, Zeke came by his “the Geek” nickname honest, more comfortable in the world of algebra and algorithms than high school’s social hallways. Though that didn’t keep him from longing for the unattainable prom queen, Jennifer. The one person who did understand his out-of-the-box brain was Darcie, his best friend. After their high school graduation, Zeke and Darcie for one night jolted from friends to lovers. And then he left town, and she knew he couldn’t look back. What he didn’t know was the depth of Darcie’s feelings for him. Now it’s 17 years later, and Zeke’s a self-made billionaire founder of a tech security firm, Darcie’s a local cop and Jennifer’s a divorced mom of a tween girl. And their little town is flagging. At Darcie’s urging, Zeke returns to Drago to boost its economy. Will his new wealth attract the still-beautiful Jennifer? Or will Darcie, the one girl who always made him feel at ease, show him that true love knows no boundaries? The author’s writing advice:

    “[M]y biggest writing advice is, all writing advice is a buffet. It’s not a fixed menu. Pick and choose and try it. And if it works for you, great. You want to go back and get more, terrific. You want to not try it ever again, that’s terrific too. You can, you know, a year later, you can go back and go, “Oh, you know, that person said this and this and maybe I will try that.” Just—but recognize that it’s not a one shot, I have to do everything right, right now, or I’m never going to have a career. That’s not true. I’ve done so many things wrong… And I look back at those books that I wrote then, and they became the core for my indie start, the start of my indie career. So I thought it was a mistake. I kicked myself a lot for it. And then it turned out being really good.”
    Patricia McLinn



  • Best Christian Romance Books,  Best Clean and Wholesome Romance,  Best Historical Romance Books

    A Stormy Season by Melanie Dickerson

    Nothing but the deepest love will induce Jane Gilchrist to marry, even when asked by the young and handsome widower with whom every other girl is in love.

    Luke Watley lost his wife to a tragic accident. But when he discovers it was no accident at all, he must solve the mystery behind her murder, or he—and anyone close to him—is in danger of becoming their next victim. Jane Gilchrist is maddeningly opinionated, annoyingly high-spirited, and . . . more appealing than any woman has a right to be. He seems to lose all rationality when she is near. But if he lets her get too close, she might be the next person to be killed because of his faithless first wife. But when her reputation is at stake, in an effort to do the right thing as a gentleman, he asks her to marry him. But when she agrees only to a pretend engagement, sparks of every kind begin to fly. Jane is disgusted by the way women fawn all over the newly widowed Mr. Watley. She can’t decide if she should hate him for being so sought after, feel sorry for him for losing his wife, or kiss him when no one is looking. Whatever she decides, it’s sure to be a stormy season! The author’s message to her readers through her novels:

    “That God is good and He has a good plan for all of us. Each novel has at least one special lesson that I hope the reader can take away with them.”
    Melanie Dickerson



  • Best Christian Romance Books

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    Romance novels are a well-loved way for many to escape into a world of warmth, love, intrigue and all things romantic. With so many books available, we are happy to direct readers to the best ones out there. We also have the particular mission to also direct Christians or others who enjoy cleaner romances to some of the best Christian romances on the market.

    We would like to thank Feedspot for seeing this desire and mission we have and for recently electing us as #14 in the top 25 blogs and websites showcasing the best Christian romance novels out today. We will continue to strive to direct readers to more romance novels that align with Christian values, alongside many other great novels in the plethora of genres that exist that suit our diverse readers.

  • Best Christian Romance Books

    Bless Your Heart, Rae Sutton by Susannah B. Lewis

    Sometimes what your life is missing is an eccentric group of older ladies to take you under their wing…

    When Rae Sutton’s mama passes away and leaves her the house where she grew up, Rae can’t imagine how the little old place might restore her broken life. Mourning the recent loss of her marriage, she takes the house and settles back into her tiny hometown with her fourteen-year-old daughter, Molly Margaret, and their overweight dog.

    There she’s embraced by her mother’s close-knit circle of friends, the Third Thursday ladies. Though almost half their age and far less confident of positive outcomes, Rae joins their ministry-slash-book-club-slash-gossip circle and allows the women to speak wry honesty and witty humor into her tired heart. As a new career and a new romance bring their own complications, Rae relies on the unlikely family she’s found and begins to wonder if her future holds more hope than she ever could have imagined.

    How the author on her inspiration for the novel:

    “Years ago I was invited to a book club hosted by my great aunt to discuss one of my self-published fiction books, Ten Years Taken… While sitting in my aunt’s friend’s home and listening to their rhetoric, their prayer requests, their friendly digs at one another, I told them, ‘This would make a great book. And that’s where Rae Sutton was born… it’s the story of 30-something Rae who is invited to her mother’s friend’s “ministry” held on the third Thursday of each month. She learns so much from those eccentric Southern ladies. They help her mourn losses and find joy. They point her to the Lord.”
    Susannah B. Lewis



  • Best Contemporary Romance Novels

    Yes, Chef by Waitlyn Andrews

    An upbeat, closed-door sizzling-with-chemistry, romantic comedy that will have you believing in the magic of a 90’s Rom-Com again.

    I’ve sworn off romantic relationships, stifling family expectations, and self-doubt. The trifecta, really. Returning home to run the family business is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean I can’t spend some time carving out my own path to culinary success. The first four months of living abroad go exactly as planned, working at one of the chicest, up-and-coming restaurants in France—not to brag—I know a Michelin star is within reach if I keep my head down, focus, and work harder than I ever have. I go to the market every morning, I run my own schedule, and I don’t have to think about my cheating ex or Meredith-Blake-of-a-mother. That is, until a tall, all-American golden boy enters my space as the new head chef of Teaks—my boss. Chef James Sullivan is too attractive for his own good, and I’ve strictly written off workplace romances. But, lucky for me, he only chooses to acknowledge my presence when he’s critiquing my work every five minutes. Maybe I can tune out those broad shoulders and denim blue eyes . . . if only those eyes would stop staring at me so intently.   A note form the author:

    “I’m a 30-something author who lives vicariously through my characters and adores a good ’90s rom-com. I’ve penned a novel about a strong female lead chasing her culinary dreams in Paris, navigating workplace romance and family expectations.”
    Waitlyn Andrews



  • Best Contemporary Romance Novels

    The Last Honest Woman by Nora Roberts

    The widow of race car legend, family secrets and a mysterious past, and handsome journalist that wants to get to the bottom of this mysterious woman of integrity…

    Abigail O’Hurley Rockwell’s husband was a racing car legend behind the wheel, winning championships with a fearless skill and speed that claimed his life in a tragic and—some would say—reckless crash. Heartbroken, Abby wants nothing more than to raise her two sons in peace, but journalist Dylan Crosby is penning a book about her infamous husband’s life, determined to expose the man’s hidden past. But Abby is not a spoiled trophy wife Dylan can easily charm. She is a woman of integrity and mystery desperate to keep him at arm’s length—even as their desires for one another are on an unalterable collision course. How the author honed her talent:

    “I imagine every teacher helped. I joke about the nuns, but the fact is the discipline that they drum into education sticks. You can have all the talent in the world but if you don’t have the discipline to sit down and write on a regular basis, you’re not going to write or publish any books.”
    Nora Roberts



  • Best Historical Romance Books,  Best Romantic Suspense Books

    Dark Desires by Eve Silver

    Is her handsome employer innocent … or is he a remorseless killer who prowls the East End streets?

    Betrayed by those she trusted, penniless and alone, Darcie Finch is forced to accept a position that no one else dares, as the assistant to dangerously attractive Dr. Damien Cole. Ignoring the whispered warnings and rumors that he’s a man to fear, she takes her position at his eerie estate, where she quickly discovers that nothing is at it seems, least of all her handsome and brooding employer. As Darcie struggles with her fierce attraction to Damien, she must also deal with the blood, the disappearances … and the murders. With her options dwindling and time running out, Darcie must rely on her instincts as she confronts the man she is falling in love with. A raving review for the novel:
    “…a gripping gothic that combines the tension of the Jack the Ripper stories with the dark aura of Jekyll and Hyde and the chill of a classic horror film. There’s icy fear and smoldering passion, twists and turns and red herrings thrown in here and there to keep you up all night.”
    RT BookReviews